Lego Rovers head to NASA's International Space Apps Challenge
A system that imitates navigation of a space rover, originally intended for use in North West schools, will become part of NASA's International Space Apps Challenge later this month.
View ArticleNew research exposes limitations of environmental models and data sets
Our data on the natural world is uncertain. And so are the models we use to make sense of it. The Uncertweb project, funded by the EU, aims to clarify both of these sources of doubt. The project is...
View ArticleNew quantitative analysis for open source software projects
Open source software is that which, once it is received, can be used any way one wishes: it can be redistributed (for free or for a fee) and modified, if one knows how to do so. Bitergia, whose...
View ArticleNIST improves performance, capabilities of its computer fire modeling tools
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) scientists and engineers recently enhanced the capabilities of NIST's computer fire modeling software, a powerful suite of tools used worldwide in...
View ArticleBetter software cuts computer energy use
An EU research project is developing tools to help software engineers create energy-efficient code, which could reduce electricity consumption at data centres by up to 50% and improve battery life in...
View ArticleNadella wraps up first year as Microsoft CEO
Satya Nadella's first year at the helm of Microsoft is in the books.
View ArticleEnhancing efficiency of multi-core processors
Software development for embedded multi-core processors is considered to require a large expenditure and to be difficult. Under the ALMA EU project, researchers developed a new integrated tool chain to...
View ArticleQuest for buried knowledge continues with new computer software tool
In the 18th century, researchers attempting to read the writings of ancient, charred scrolls picked and pulled at the fragile artifacts, destroying many. Fast forward to 2015 and researchers are...
View ArticleEU open source software project receives green light
An open source software project involving the University of Southampton to extend the capacity of computational mathematics and interactive computing environments has received over seven million euros...
View ArticleResearchers tackle issues surrounding security tools for software developers
For software programmers, security tools are analytic software that can scan or run their code to expose vulnerabilities long before the software goes to market. But these tools can have shortcomings,...
View ArticleA tool for simulation-based decision making for production
The sheer complexity of today's production systems makes "going with your gut" decision making a questionable approach at best. So as part of the EU project DREAM, a simulation-based support system was...
View ArticleCrowdsourcing software could help us move house and stay where we are
The concept of moving your house without actually going anywhere isn't new—adaptive architecture has been around since the 1920s. But that was long before sensors and computing. So, how do we bring all...
View ArticleMicrosoft pitches smart chats with computers (Update)
Microsoft wants you to talk more with your computer—and have more useful conversations.
View ArticleTaking the heat out of energy conversion
An improved method to track and control heat generation in electric motors for cars, or power generators, such as those in wind turbines, has been developed by A*STAR researchers in collaboration with...
View ArticleTrawling the net to target internet trolls
A software tool capable of both collecting and then cutting through millions of online messages to identify radicalising groups, trolls, and cyberbullies has been created by a UK trolling expert and...
View ArticleFacebook shows new ways to chat, stream video
Looking for new ways to engage with its audience, Facebook says people who use its Messenger chat service will soon be able to order flowers, shop for shoes and talk with a variety of businesses by...
View ArticleDebugging system for complex analysis of programs that import huge swaths of...
Symbolic execution is a powerful software-analysis tool that can be used to automatically locate and even repair programming bugs. Essentially, it traces out every path that a program's execution might...
View ArticleNew software improves ability to catalog bacterial pathogens
Washington State University researchers have developed a new software tool that will improve scientists' ability to identify and understand bacterial strains and accelerate vaccine development.
View ArticleMicrosoft joins Linux Foundation in another nod to open-source code
Microsoft has joined the Linux Foundation, the latest sign that the software giant is embracing open-source technologies it formerly treated with hostility.
View ArticleNew software tool to provide students with personalized feedback to improve...
Researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington have partnered with five international universities to create a software tool that provides timely and personalized feedback to help students adjust...
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